This week I’m talking about Nested Groups and the risk they pose for security. Built-in to the functionality of Active Directory is the ability to attach a group to another group. While this has advantages for account administration across an organization, it also offers attackers opportunity if certain precautions are not taken. This week I’ll break down Nested Groups in DFIR terms, talk about how attackers take advantage of it and what analysts need to know for investigations.
This week is a case study where we look at an actual attack strategy and compared it against standard triage methods to see how well they hold up. The Turla group using ComRat malware is our case example, let’s see if standard triage techniques can save the day.
Matt Warner, Blumira CTO and Co-Founder, talks ransomware investigations.
This week is a continuation of the threats to cloud computing miniseries. We are stepping through the top 11 threats to cloud computing as identified by the Cloud Security alliance. When you are protecting cloud assets or investigating breaches of cloud assets, there is a lot to keep in mind. You must remember the standard security infrastructure, the new cloud infrastructure as well as any changes to the standard infrastructure that could be affected for your investigation. The top 11 threats to cloud computing help identify where you, as an analyst, should prioritize your time both as a starting point and how you use your limited time for continuing education.