This episode covers Investigation Survival Tips.... for the new guy. Newer examiners are often thrown into a world where it is there mission to find "everything." Not on that, they are usually given inadequate investigative support to accomplish their assigned goals. I have seen this happen often so I thought I would spend an episode giving some advice on how to steer the conversation to keep expectation realistic and in-check.
In this episode I cover using Linux as a forensic platform... for the new guy. I find many examiners are very Windows-centric. There is nothing wrong with that as most tools and evidence is Windows based. However, Linux comes in handy from time to time and knowing some basic commands is always helpful.
In this episode I talk all about virtual machines; the reasons you should be using them (more), prebuilt ones that are freely available and loaded with digital forensic tools and a free virtual machine application that has the same functionality you need as the pay tools.
In this episode we wrap up the File Use & Knowledge artifacts discussed previously and talk about how they connect to help strengthen a case.